...You better know your stage- You see acne is something which goes through several stages. Some people have mild acne, some have moderate while other have severe acne. You need to act according to your acne condition. If your condition is severe than it's best recommended to consult a skin doctor immediately as you are past easily curable condition....»
Read More: acne-types.blogspot.com
«...Make sure the makeup you are using is oil free. When you apply oil based products to your skin they can seep into the pores and cause them to clog resulting in more acne. Try to find products that are water based. Just simply look at the concealer, blush, or whatever makeup product you are thinking about purchasing and read the ingredient section. Most products say if they are oil or water based so this shouldn't be a huge issue. If you not sure just put it back on the shelf. It's not worth your face....»
Full Text: http://best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
tags: how to get rid acne scars, ivory soap acne, how to reduce redness on face from acne i popped