My face is so red from acne

« ...This is known to be very effective medication for treating acne. The treatment not only helps in reducing the inflammation but it also restricts formation of new comedones. Topical retinoid are generally applied at the night to tackle phototoxity problem which is sometimes associated with this kind of treatment. Tretinoin and Retin -A, are the common drugs under this category. Side effects are rare but they can be avoided by applying only the minimum quantity...
...When the follicles become blocked, acne will form. A plug of keratin and sebum will form in the follicle. When sebaceous glands grow at puberty, the sebum enlarges and forms a blackhead or a whitehead. Whiteheads are due to pores being clogged with sebum. Blackheads form due to the oxidation of keratin. Sebum is oil in the skin and, in combination with skin bacteria results in inflammation and pimples. ...»

«...Check the labels on all of your skin care and make-up products. Be sure they are water based and will not clog your pores. Many skin product companies will use the term "noncomedogenic". This term means the product will not clog pores....»
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tags: pharmacology how homeopathic acne pills work, does clean and clear acne control kit work, glycolic peel acne scars